Luisa Rota Sperti- Walking through her Works


Walking through her Works

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Luisa Rota Sperti is an Italian artist born in Lecco (Italy).
Active since 1972, her expressive tool is the pencil and her works are divided into cycles, rich of inner and outer references, to history, to the great sagas, to mythology.

1979 - 1999
The great cycle Signore degli Anelli (Lord of the Rings) (1979-1982, 33 plates)
Buddhacärita (1986-1989, 21 plates)
Polyptyc Francesco e gli uccelli (Francesco and the birds) (1989-1991, 10 plates)
Triptych Milarepa (his crimes, his evidences and his liberation) (1989-1991)
Il ciclo Sacre Montagne (Sacred Mountains) (1992-1993, 24 plates)
"Monte Pelmo parete nord" (1994, 1+7 plates)
The great cycle Monasteri delle Meteore (1995, 19 plates)
The great cycle Dieci Tori (Ten Bulls) (1995-1996, 10 plates)
Polyptych Vitae Patrum (1997, 7 plates)
Il Racconto di un pellegrino russo (1997, 4 plates)
Kailãs: Viaggiatori incantati e pellegrini (Enchanted Travellers and Pilgrims) (1998, 10 plates)

2000 - 2007
The great cycle Pino la morte e il Pelmo (Pino, the Death and the Pelmo Mountain) (2000)
Anthological exhibition at the Galleria Bellinzona (2000)
The great cycle Dalle cattedrali della terra ai sentieri del cielo (From Earth Cathedrals to the Sky Paths)(2000-2002)
Calendario della montagna - Grigne: 12 guide un poeta (Grigne: 12 Guides and a Poet) (2002)
Mappa del mondo (World Map) - Perpetual calendar (2003, 12 plates)
Nessun uomo è un'isola (No Man is an Island) (2004)
Fairy-portrait Vajont, portrait of Mauro Corona (2004, 5 plates)
Pezzi di luna (Pieces of Moon) (2004)
Sasso cavallo (2004-2005)
Camminarte (2005)
Oltre le Vette - Dalle cattedrali della terra ai sentieri del cielo (From Earth Cathedrals to the Sky Paths) (2005)
Messner Mountain Museum "Dolomites", il "Museo nelle Nuvole" (2006)
The great cycle ...Ai confini del cielo. (At the boundaries of the Sky) (2007)

2008 - 2010
Trento Film Festival - Anthological of the Dolomites (2008)
Cammina(r)te ai Piani Resinelli (2008)
Exhibition "My Land Tibet - Opere scelte 1977-2007" (My Land Tibet - Selected works 1977-2007) Immagimondo Lecco (2008)
Il grande presepe del Noce (Great Crib of the Walnut) (2008)
Exhibition at the Italian Alpine Club of Milan (2009)
"Guardare in alto" C.A.I. Lecco (2009)
Member of the prestigious "Gruppo Italiano Scrittori di Montagna - Accademia di Arte e Cultura Alpina" (Italian Group of Mountain Writers - Art and Alpine Culture Academy) based in Milan. (2009)
Hoga Zait- Cimbrian Festival (2009)
Opere - Lune - Video. (Works—Moons of wood—Videos) at the San Michele Oratorio in the historical complex of Torre de' Busi. Lecco (2009)
Museum of peasant civilization of the Vallarsa - Scarecrows (2009)
Nativity 2009
Trento Film Festival 2010 - La stella del cardo e il covone di fieno, Giuseppe Det Alippi. (The star of the thistle and the hay sheaf, Giuseppe Det Alippi). Preface by Reihnold Messner (2010)
Camminarte at the Monte Pelmo (2010)
Calendario Perenne (Perpetual calendar) Camminarte at the Monte Pelmo (2010)
International outdoor fair 2010 - Montura Stand (2010)
Official Opening of the Museo Civico della Val Fiorentina "Vittorino Cazzetta" - Selva di Cadore (2010)
XVI edition of the Film Festival della Lessinia - "Il mistero dei suoni scomparsi". ("The mistery of the vanished sounds") (2010)
"Tra le rocce e il cielo" - Museo della Civiltà Contadina della Vallarsa (2010)
Villa Buzzati Belluno - "Il mistero dei suoni scomparsi" ("The mistery of the vanished sounds"). (2010)
Villa Buzzati Belluno - "Omaggio alla leggenda" (Homage to the Legend). (2010)
Palazzo Roberti, Bassano del Grappa - "The mistery of the vanished sounds". (2010)
"La Scatola Magica" (The Magic Box) - Lecco's hospital Psychiatry ward (2010)
Nativity in Somana (2010)

Trento Film Festival 2011 - in the Exhibit space MontagnaLibri - Giuseppe Det Alippi, La stella del cardo e il covone di fieno (The star of the thistle and the hay sheaf) - Foreword by Reihnold Messner
Exhibition Ai confini del cielo (At the Sky Boundaries) Museo civico Val Fiorentina "Vittorino Cazzetta" - Selva di Cadore (2011)
Giuseppe Det Alippi, La stella del cardo e il covone di fieno (The star of the thistle and the hay sheaf) - Alpstation Brianza - Montura Editing.
Mappamondo calendario perpetuo (Globe perpetual calendar dedicated to the children of Earth) (2011)
Viola and Ecomago - Skialper magazine (2011)
Quaderno di Campo - Alpstation Cles - TN (2011)
Nativity in Somana (2011)
Dentro la montagna Le Dolomiti tra leggenda e geologia (2011)
Stella Stellina (2011)

Le Creature nelle radure and Fatunno sulla Skialper magazine (2012)
60° TrentoFilmFestival - "Il mistero dei suoni scomparsi" (The mistery of the vanished sounds) (2012)
Monti Sorgenti 2012 - Sasso Cavallo Ritratti di un parete. Disegni, dipinti e fotografie ("Sasso Cavallo: portraits of a mountain. Drawings, paintings and photos") (2012)
Trento Film Festival 2012 - Montagna Libri - Sass Cavall (Monografia di una piccola montagna) Sass Cavall (a Monography about a small mountain) (2012)
Ecomago at Melloblocco (2012)
Alpstation Bassano del Grappa - Dentro la montagna Le Dolomiti tra leggenda e geologia (2012)
"Gio’ca Piné", a Trekking of children and prams on the Piné plateau - Scarecrows (2012)
Creativi per Lecco 2012 - Marmolada - Ettore Castiglioni (2012)
Pesonal exhibition: "Montagne: l'Epica e l'Incanto" nell'opera di Luisa Rota Sperti ("Mountains: epic and charm" in Luisa Rota Sperti's works) - Lecco, Mandello (2012)
Nativity in Somana (2012)

Article (Itaian) Montagne 360 - The monthly magazine of the Club Alpino Italiano (2013)
Exhibition… nei tempi … sui monti: volti, canti, racconti … ( the times... on the mountains: faces, songs, tales...) Il gioco di illustrare (the game of the illustration) - Valmadrera (2013)
Exhibition "Le Montagne Grandi" (The Great Mountains) - CAI Valmadrera (2013)
Ricicla tutto anche il brutto (Recycle all also the awful) - Comune di Mandello del Lario (2013)
NEL bosco, CON il bosco, DAL bosco (IN the wood, WITH the wood, FROM the wood) - Third edition Monti Sorgenti Lecco (2013)
Stella stellina, eco-fable, 7 plates hand-drawn. Exhibit in Lecco (2013)
Kailãs: Viaggiatori incantati e pellegrini (Kailăs: Enchanted Travellers and Pilgrims) - Four works from the cycle exposed at the Messner Mountain Museum Firmian, in Bozen
"Montagne: l'epica e l'incanto" - "Festival della cultura di montagna - Bormio (2013)
Opening "Biblioteca del bosco estate 2013" Natural Oriented Park of Somadida. (2013)
La Schola del Bonduhãc - 50th anniversary of the Vajont tragedy (2013)
Arte in ospedale - Ospedale A. Manzoni Lecco (2013)
Ciottoli di Fiume (River rocks )- Comunità di via Gaggio onlus Lecco (2013)
Sulle tracce di Antonio Stoppani. (On Antonio Stoppani's tracks) Paths between mountain, science and art in Lombardy and in the Cantone Ticino. Lecco (2013)
Nativity in Somana: Ninna nanna nella Capanna (2013)

Exhibition Montagne: l'epica e l'incanto - Palamonti CAI Bergamo (2014)
Exibition Pittura Uno XXX / 1984 - 2014 - Galleria Momart in Lecco (2014)
Festival d'Arte e Scienza H-dra' Water, practice and knowledge for a sustainable future - Lecco (2014)
Expositon Le Montagne grandi at the Longoni Sport shop in Bevera di Sirtori - Lecco (2014)
Exposition M.M.M. Castel Firmiano - Reinhold Messner Portrait - Bolzano - (2014)
Exibition Il Guardiano del Sasso Cavallo - Abbadia Lariana Lecco (2014)
Nativity in Somana: Pace e lavoro (2014) - "La cucina ai tempi del camino"

Exhibition Pittura Uno 1984 / 2015 - Torre Viscontea Lecco (2015)
Exhibition Piccole Storie di Pietra -  Showroom at the Torchio di Somana, Mandello Lario Lecco (2015)
The expression lab activity, in the Psychiatric ward of Lecco's hospital, had been suspended, forever (2015)
"Art no frost, frigoriferi d'autore" (Frigo Smeg Painting, Festival di H-drà) Lecco - Cargo for Nepal (2015)
Alpine Exhibition at the "Biblioteca del bosco" in Somadida's Biogenetic Oriented Park. (2015)
"Artiste tra noi" Art sparks about food -  Showroom at the Torchio di Somana, Mandello Lario Lecco (2015)
"Sogni nel Vento" Drawings, books and the Creatures - Libreria Volante Lecco (2015)
Homage to Chagall (2015)
Wood Nativity: Peace and Work - Torchio di Somana, Mandello Lario Lecco (2015)
"La cucina ai tempi del camino" The museum area grows by remaining interactive - Torchio di Somana (2015)

Diamir La montagna delle fate a new book with Paola Favero (2016)
Exhibition and Debut Diamir La montagna delle fate - Libreria Volante Lecco (2016)
L'anima delle Montagne - the Cimbrian legends - Foresta del Cansiglio (2016)
Exhibition Bonacina tra storia e leggenda - Biblioteca Civica "U.Pozzoli" Lecco (2016)
Exhibition Diamir La montagna delle fate - Rifugio Campogrosso Recoaro Terme (2016)
Exhibition Il Regno dei Fanes- Cammina(r)te - Rifugio Città di Fiume - Valfiorentina (2016)
Artisti tra noi - Donna Torchio di Somana (2016)
Exhibition Dentro la Montagna tra mito e realtà - Bassano del Grappa (2016)
Exhibition Montagne: l'Epica e l'Incanto - Fondazione Noi Genitori Erba (2016)
DonNaArte, mostra collettiva Torre Viscontea a Lecco (2016)
Wood Nativity - Torchio di Somana, Mandello Lario Lecco (2016)
"Author's draft" "Viola d'amore e il suo colore" an eco-tale on the Grigne mountains (2016)
Preparation of the catalogue Le Montagne Grandi (2016)
Collaboration for the making Calendario Artistico (2016)

Presentation of the book "C'era un volta" Biblioteca Civica "U.Pozzoli" Lecco (2017)
Donation of the painting "La conquista del Cerro Campana" Palazzo delle Paure in Lecco (2017)
Exhibition Pittura Uno ArteMigrante - personal hall Nanda Devi - Torre Viscontea Lecco (2017)
Monti Sorgenti - Presentation Cammina(r)te nelle Grigne - Palazzo delle Paure a Lecco (2017)
Festival delle Alpi e delle Montagne ialiane- exhibitions, installations in Cammina(r)te's twinning (2017)
Cammina(r)te nelle Grigne - Description, painting transportation, books and refuges (2017)
Twinning Cammina(r)te in the Grigne - Cammina(r)te at Mount Pelmo (2017)
Exhibition Le Montagne Grandi - Museo nelle Nuvole sul Monte Rite - Messner Mountain Museum Dolomites.
Permanent installation "Femmine Arcobaleno" "Omaggio a Chagall" - Parco del Sojo VI (2017)
Wood Nativity "DIVINO BAMBINO" Somana di Mandello del Lario Lecco (2017)
Third reprint of the "Globe perpetual calendar" in a renewed graphic version (2017)

Luisa Rota Sperti - Aria acqua fuoco terra


Her main theme is the Mountain: the physical ascent, the spiritual ascent.
It is the mountain of the initiation, of the magic proof, the conclusive shape of the great cycle
Signore degli Anelli (Lord of the Rings)
(1979-1982, 33 plates);

Luisa Rota Sperti - Cavalieri di Rohan



It is the spiritual ascent strongly evident in the Buddhacärita (1986-1989, 21 plates).
Here, the mountain does not have rock appearance but it is expressed on a metaphysical plan.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Buddhacärita

BUDDHACÄRITA - LA VITTORIA SU MÂRA (Central panel of the Triptych)


Luigi De Anna, in one of his 1997 essays on Buzzati and the mountain, writes:
" it'd be possible to say that only a mystic like San Francesco, or Milarepa (Tibetan wise man, XI century) could reach to fully explain the secret of the mountain".
It is between 1989 and 1991 that are created first the cross-shaped polyptyc in ten plates Francesco e gli uccelli (Francesco and the birds) inspired by a poem of Gregory Corso, where the mount Verna, the soul mount, receives and protects creatures, then the triptych Milarepa (his crimes, his evidences and his liberation); here the silence of the ice mountain circles the hermit silence. In 1993, Franco Maria Ricci in Milan exposed some plates of the Francesco.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Francesco

Luisa Rota Sperti - Francesco e gli uccelli


Luisa Rota Sperti - Milarepa

MILAREPA - (52X52)

Luisa Rota Sperti - Le Tentazioni di Sant'Antonio eremita

LE TENTAZIONI DI SANT'ANTONIO EREMITA, Central panel of the Triptych - (51X35)

In the cycle Sacre Montagne (Sacred Mountains) (1992-1993, 24 plates) there are together the most famous sacred mountains of the world, with those of her own roots.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Sacre Montagne


In 1994 she fell in love with one of the most singular Dolomites peak, the Pelmo, in eight very intimate plates. Between these "Monte Pelmo parete nord" that Luisa thinks is her best work made.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Monte Pelmo


The return to the spirit places is clear in the cycle dedicated to the Monasteri delle Meteore (19 plates, 1995) and in Dieci Tori (Ten Bulls). In these ten plates (1995-1996) Luisa makes an abstract of her life through "her" mountains (Grigne, Kailãsh, Dolomites...).

Luisa Rota Sperti - Monasteri delle Meteore


Luisa Rota Sperti - Monasteri delle Meteore


Luisa Rota Sperti - I Tori


The year 1997 is dedicated to a moment of deep concentration:
In the Vitae Patrum (polyptych in 7 plates) it is the heart of the rock to speak with the voice of the hermits.
In the same year the Racconto di un pellegrino russo (4 plates) with an homage to Allen Ginsberg. These works have been exhibited in Rome in the Chiesa di Santa Lucia del Gonfalone in 2003, the guide to the reading of the works is by Carlo Ghielmetti.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Rocamadour


In 1998, mountains come back under the spot, with the great Dolomites panning
(5 plates) and the symbolic pilgrimage of the Viaggiatori incantati e pellegrini (Enchanted Travellers and Pilgrims). With 10 plates, Luisa travels ancient Tibet on the tracks of explorers, alpinists, "missionaries" that there have lived parts of life rich of meaning. The cycle is closed with an homage to Reinhold Messner.

In 2000 is born the cycle most beloved: Pino, la morte e il Pelmo (Pino, the Death and the Pelmo Mountain), that during the making of the drawings, became a written tale. In eleven plates, it is developed a personal pilgrimage round the Pelmo ("My own Kailãs", as the author says) done with her own boots, and with the senses of a "magic child". This work is deeply liked to the activity that, since 1989, Luisa does inside the mental health department at the Hospital "A. Manzoni" of Lecco, drawing, painting, modelling with the patients. A smaller version of the "tale" (by Francesca De Giacomina) is selected for the fourth edition of "Le montagne incantate: Leggende ed Immagini - Verzauberte Berge: Sagen und Bilder" (Città di Bolzano - Stadt Bozen) and published in catalog.

In the same year 2000, with the collaboration of the councillor culture officer of the Comune di Lecco, the Galleria Bellinzona (Lecco-Milano) which has followed and helped Luisa's artistic path organized a very important anthological exhibition with a refined catalog with a foreword by Alfredo Chiappori.

In 2002 the same gallery, in collaboration with the Galleria Due Emme and with L'Osteria del Viaggiatore publishes a Calendario della montagna (in Italian and English): Grigne: dodici guide e un poeta (Grigne: 12 Guides and a Poet) in which the great guides of the Dolomites are mixed with the shelters of her house.

After the trip round the mount by Pino and the Pelmo, returns the desire to celebrate the physical ascent , with the spiritual ascent, through the protagonists of the great classic alpinism. So are born the thirty-two plates of the ambitious cycle Dalle cattedrali della terra ai sentieri del cielo (From Earth Cathedrals to the Sky Paths) (2000-2002) in which it is embraced one century of great alpinism, by lyrically telling the protagonists, through a parallelism with death and the mountains inspired also by Dino Buzzati's writings, perhaps the deepest intermediary between classic alpinism and big public.

In 2003 the social themes are the bases for the creation of a Mappa del mondo - World Map (12 plates) that becomes a perpetual calendar, with the purpose to make know and finance Fair commerce projects. It is accompanied by a folder, (dated and signed in 100 copies) with the reproduction of the 12 sheets, with a moving text by Don Angelo Casati. This initiative is presented during the Immagimondo 2005.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Immagimondo 2005

Then she goes back to her mountains and, during 2004, takes part to the Lecco celebrations for the 30th anniversary of the ascent of the Western wall of the Cerro Torre.

The "Ragni": Giuliano Maresi, Walter Bonatti, Carlos E. Comesaña, Giuseppe Lafranconi and Sergio Ghiraldini in front of the Fitz Roy  scene-painting

The "Ragni": Giuliano Maresi, Walter Bonatti, Carlos E. Comesaña, Giuseppe Lafranconi and Sergio Ghiraldini in front of the Fitz Roy scene-painting

Luisa Rota Sperti - Cerro Torre


Luisa Rota Sperti - Cerro Torre

Inspired by the reading of the drafts of the Casimiro Ferrari biography by Alberto Benini, she created a polyptych called: Nessun uomo è un'isola (No Man is an Island). In this work, around Miro, there are the faces of Riccardo Cassin, Carlo Mauri, Walter Bonatti, Giuseppe (Det) Alippi, Pino Negri and Lorenzo Mazzoleni. With the portraits, she makes big acrylic showing some important Patagonian peaks. For the same initiative and for once in her life (so she says) engraves a Cerro Torre, in 100 copies. (with thanks to Giancarlo Vitali...)

Luisa Rota Sperti - Cerro Torre


Between the works in the recent years, there is a fairy-portrait inspired to the tragedy of the Vajont, written and drawn in five plates: the portrait is one of Mauro Corona.

Simultaneously she plays carving the wood creating Pezzi di luna (Pieces of Moon)

Luisa Rota Sperti - Pezzi di luna (Pieces of Moon)


By continuing a path between mountains and legends, she "falls in love" of the Sasso cavallo (in the Grigne) and she works a lot about it joining legends to histories, but it is not polite speaking of things still unfinished.
Her works (and herself..) remain a little mysterious and stay, sometimes, hidden for years before coming outside at the light. Is it destiny or choice?
Some little works may be found in the "high" Grigne shelters: Elisa, Bietti, Rosalba, Brioschi e Bogani.

In the summer of 2005 Pino, la morte e il Pelmo (Pino, the Death and the Pelmo Mountain) became Camminarte: a walk between shelters, inside which the eleven plates will be permanently exposed.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Camminarte


Luisa Rota Sperti - Camminarte


In October 2005 at "Oltre le vette" (metaphors, men, places of the mountain)
It was presented the great cycle Dalle cattedrali della terra ai sentieri del cielo (From Earth Cathedrals to the Sky Paths).
On the magazine "La buona neve", Rolly Marchi writes about it with enthusiasm.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Oltre le vette


In 2006 spring the same cycle was exhibited in Valmadrera with the partnership of the alpinism school Attilio and Piero Piacco, and offered the starting for a few moments to reflect about going over the mountains and about alpinism tales, centred on the figure and activity of Dino Buzzati (with readings of chosen texts), Claudio Corti and Ivo Rabanser.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Valmadrera, Alberto Benini, Claudio Corti and Carlo Caccia


In 2006 the same arrives at the prestigious Messner Mountain Museum "Dolomites", the "Museo nelle Nuvole" on Monte Rite (2181 m). The exhibition is in particular dedicated to Dino Buzzati after 100 years of his birth.
Remembering Dino Buzzati, a moving reading of Loris Tormen at the inauguration. Reinhold Messner, during the press conference defined the paintings "... of great delicacy and value". The special preparation of the hall was made by the museum director, Elettra Monico.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Museo nelle Nuvole


Luisa Rota Sperti - Museo nelle Nuvole


Luisa Rota Sperti - Museo nelle Nuvole

(Photo by Giancarlo Mauri)

It is there, in front of the beloved Pelmo that was born the idea of the new cycle to which she is working (for a long time, she says).
There was born the new walk Ai confini del cielo (At the boundaries of the Sky).
Recreating and slowly finding again the colour, Luisa turns back and, armed with imaginary maps, (and her own dreams), she goes into the valleys, finds again her own paths and walks again through a deep research on the Dolomites legends. Here, no more alpinists, climbers or singers of the mountain with her to celebrate it, but little figures of women: salvages of the woods, "Viviane", "gane", "anguane" and water nymphs and "trude", and "bergostane"; princesses and shepherdess.
So goes down and hidden in the world she likes best, and that protects her (so she says).

From April 22nd to 4 May 2008 Luisa exhibited an Anthological of the Dolomites at the Trento Film Festival.

Luisa at the exibition with art director Maurizio Nichetti

Luisa at the exibition with art director Maurizio Nichetti (Photos: Ruggero Ferrari).


Luisa shows a "sample" of her "Antologia Dolomitica" in Milan, from Saturday 31st May 2008
at the bookshop "Libri di Vetta" in via Stradella 1 - Phone/Fax +39 02 29518815 -
in parallel of the best 56° Trento Film Festival projections at the Apollo cinema.

In the summer of 2008, Luisa Rota Sperti presented Cammina(r)te ai Piani Resinelli.
Antological Alpine exhibition at: B&B Ai Frassini, il forno della Grigna, 2184 Restaurant, Porta shed, Soldanella shed.
Shed portraits (permanent exhibition) at: Bogani, Bietti-Buzzi, Brioschi, Elisa, Rosalba.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Camminarte ai Piani Resinelli

In the autumn of 2008 (from 27 September to 25 October), Luisa exhibits at the Civic Library U. Pozzoli in Lecco: "My Land Tibet - Opere scelte 1977-2007 (My Land Tibet - Selected works 1977-2007)".
This exhibition is part of "Immagimondo" - a Festival of travels, places and culture.

Luisa Rota Sperti- My Land Tibet Opere scelte 1977-2007 (My Land Tibet - Selected works 1977-2007)

Attilio Longhi, Luisa and Tona Sironi Diemberger (Photo taken at a CAI Valmadrera meeting)

Attilio Longhi, Luisa and Tona Sironi Diemberger (Photo taken at a CAI Valmadrera meeting)

Luisa Rota Sperti- My Land Tibet Opere scelte 1977-2007 (My Land Tibet - Selected works 1977-2007)

The antological exhibition "My Land Tibet" is available to exhibit by request of councils, associations, galleries... There are also available: a catalogue and a movie.

For Christmas 2008, Luisa made a Grande Presepe del Noce (Great Crib of the Walnut).

Luisa Rota Sperti - Grande Presepe del Noce (Great Crib of the Walnut)

Luisa Rota Sperti - Montagne di segni - Montagna di sogno

From 10th February to 28th March 2009, Luisa Rota Sperti (guest of the Italian Alpine Club of Milan) had an exhibition at the Spaziomontagna in the Gallery Vittorio Emanuele II.
In exhibition, in this prestigious place, some original works from cycles:
"Ai confini del Cielo" (At the Sky Boundaries) legends of the Dolomites (homage to Carlo Felice Wolff);
"Dalle Cattedrali della Terra ai Sentieri del Cielo" (From Earth Cathedrals to the Sky Paths)
(dedicated to Dino Buzzati);
"Nessun uomo è un isola" un polittico per Casimiro Ferrari (No Man is an Island: a Polyptych for Casimiro Ferrari)
"My Land Tibet";
Lune nel Legno (sculture) Moons in the Wood (sculptures);
Carnet di Viaggio. Carnet de Voyage

Luisa Rota Sperti - Montagne di segni - Montagna di sogno

Pdf poster ( 1,99 mb)

At the first evening of the exhibition, after a foreward by Alberto Benini and Marco Tieghi, it has been shown the movie "My Land Tibet" with Ferruccio Ferrario as director.

Photos and movies at the first evening.

This ehibition has been a success and, during the two months, Luisa made a specific exhibition by modifying the notebooks inside the glass, following particular themes or events (like the women's day March 8th) as hommage to the CAI members of Milan.


Luisa Rota Sperti - Guardare in alto

From 10 to 24 May 2009 at the Torre Viscontea, Piazza XX Settembre in Lecco, Luisa exhibits in
"Guardare in alto" : mountains photographed by alpinist and interpreted by painters and sculptors.
(Adriana Baruffini, Giuliano Maresi and Tiziana Rota, editors).
This exhibition in occasion of the 2009 National Conference of the CAI delegates.

Other artists in the exhibition: Giuseppe Mozzanica, Luigi Milani, Pietro Pedeferri, Pablo Atchugarry, Giansisto Gasparini, Giuliano Collina, Gianni Bolis, Carmen Carabus, Bruno Bianchi.

Luisa Rota Sperti

Gruppo italiano scrittori di montagna, accademia di arte e cultura alpina

Since May 2009, Luisa is fellow member of the prestigious "Gruppo Italiano Scrittori di Montagna - Accademia di Arte e Cultura Alpina" (Italian Group of Mountain Writers - Art and Alpine Culture Academy) based in Milan.

Roana local council, Altopiano di Asiago (VI)
4ª Edition Hoga Zait- Cimbrian Festival

This exhibition is open from 2nd to 31st of July
Mon-Wed-Fri 9.00-13.00 Tue-Thu 9.00-13.00; 14.00-18.00

Luisa Rota Sperti - Fiabe, favole, leggende... e una saga della Val Meria.

On Sunday, July 12th at 17,00h in the Canove council town hall, the opening with Luisa and Giancarlo Mauri (alpinist and traveller) For the opening, on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th, the exhibition may be visited: 10.00-12.00; 15.00-19.00
At the same time: “Di albero in albero...”(From tree to tree) voice of Luigi Maniglia
“Tre cavalli e un pezzo di luna” (Three horses and a piece of Moon) a documentary by Ferruccio Ferrario and Ruggero Meles.

Luisa Rota Sperti and the Hoga Zait

Luisa Rota Sperti al Tanzerloch

In September 2009, at the San Michele Oratorio in the historical complex of Torre de' Busi (Lecco), Luisa made a personal exhibit: Works - Moons of wood - Videos

Luisa Rota Sperti - Torre de' Busi


Luisa Rota Sperti - Museo civiltà contadina della Vallarsa

Two little-wood scarecrows (Giuliano and Olga) are installed permanently in the garden space of the Museum of peasant civilization of the Vallarsa. (Photo: Giancarlo Mauri). Images.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Museo civiltà contadina della Vallarsa Luisa Rota Sperti - Museo civiltà contadina della Vallarsa

For Christmas 2009, Luisa made a Presepe .

Luisa Rota Sperti - Nativity

In May 2010 a new book is presented to the "Montagna Libri" inside the Trento Film Festival 2010: La stella del cardo e il covone di fieno, Giuseppe Det Alippi (The star of the thistle and the hay sheaf) a painted and told (in an interview) bio of Giuseppe "Det" Alippi with graphic and photographic portraits. Preface by Reihnold Messner.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Giuseppe Det Alippi

In the 2010 summer is confirmed and enriched with new features: the Camminarte at the Monte Pelmo.
A perpetual calendar (beginning June) will show images of the "artistic path" and of the huts that are involved. Calendario Perenne (Perpetual calendar) Camminarte at the Monte Pelmo

Luisa Rota Sperti - Calendario Perenne al Monte Pelmo

From 15 to 18 July 2010 International outdoor fair 2010 - Montura Stand - Installations

Luisa Rota Sperti

July 21st 2010: official Opening of the Museo Civico della Val Fiorentina "Vittorino Cazzetta" - Selva di Cadore (open from July 3rd) with a donation by Luisa of her painting Monte Pelmo Parete Nord

On Saturday 28 August 2010, during the XVI edition of the Film Festival della Lessinia ("life, history and traditions on the mountain" at the festival bookshop), Luisa attends with an exhibition of her 14 original paintings , illustrating the new book by Paola Favero "Il mistero dei suoni scomparsi" ("The mistery of the vanished sounds"). Foreword by Marco Tonon, music by Nelso. Some pictures

Luisa Rota Sperti - Il mistero dei suoni scomparsi

Luisa at the Lessinia Film Festival -

From 1st to 31st August 2010 at the Museo della Civiltà Contadina della Vallarsa, an exhibition of large paintings and scarecrows installations. - "Tra le rocce e il cielo". Poster and some pictures 2010

Special event: on September 16th 18.30h at Villa Buzzati, a meeting to talk about the new Paola Favero's book illustrated by Luisa "Il mistero dei suoni scomparsi"("The mistery of the vanished sounds"), with an exhibit of the original paintings. With the author: Luisa Rota Sperti (painter), Nelso Salton (musician), Marco Tonon (gardener of museums). Some pictures

From 3rd to 30th September 2010 at Villa Buzzati (Belluno) Omaggio alla Leggenda (Homage to the Legend), an exhibition of works from writings by: Karl Felix Wolff, Severino Casara, Giovanna Zangrandi, Ulrike Kindl, Bruna Maria del Lago Veneri, Nausica Zocco. Opening September 3rd, 18.30 h. Poster

On Friday 15th October 2010 17.30h at Palazzo Roberti, via Jacopo da Ponte 34, Bassano del Grappa presentation of the book Il mistero dei suoni scomparsi by Paola Favero with an exhibit of the original draws of Luisa Rota Sperti. A meeting with sounds, words and images by: Paola Favero, Luisa Rota Sperti, Marco Tonon, Nelso Salton and Primo Zancan. Poster

From December 9th 2010 to January 10th 2011, in the atrium of the Lecco's hospital Psychiatry ward : "The Magic Box" - Images from the charming world, an anthological exhibition of painted tales. Paintings and drawings of the Mental Heath ward Hosts and the leader of the painting activity (Luisa Rota Sperti). Exhibition opening: Thursday December 9th, 9.30 AM.
Poster and some images

From December 8th 2010 to January 8th 2011: images, meditations, visits and tours through the Somana cribs (Presepi) Poster and some images

Luisa Rota Sperti

On January 9th 2011, 16:00 hours, in piazza Gaddi at Somana-Bornico (Mandello del Lario's hamlet): readings between the figures of the Somana crib (Presepe). Poster and some images

Luisa Rota Sperti

Luisa made the creatures (the Magi and the animals), Emilio (the expert of the living Presepi) reproduced the places.

On May 3rd 2011 at 11.00 am, in the Exhibit space MontagnaLibri - Piazza Fiera of the Trento Film Festival 2011, will be presented the book La stella del cardo e il covone di fieno, Giuseppe Det Alippi, (The star of the thistle and the hay sheaf), a painted and told (in an interview) biography about Giuseppe "Det" Alippi alpinist-peasant of Pian dei Resinelli (Lecco). A mix of interviews, paintings, reminds and notes from the Grigna to Patagonia with photos and portraits. Foreword by Reihnold Messner. Texts and photos.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Sogni nel vento - Trento Film Festival 2011

Carlo Caccia converses with Luisa, the author.

sponsored by Montura

From 4th June to 18th September 2011, at the Museo civico della Val Fiorentina "Vittorino Cazzetta" - Selva di Cadore, exhibition of the cycle of paintings Ai confini del cielo, legends in the Dolomiti.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Donna Dindia - Monte Pelmo


On Thursday, July 28th 18.00th, presentation at Alpstation Brianza of the book
GIUSEPPE “DET” ALIPPI LA STELLA DEL CARDO E IL COVONE DI FIENO (The star of the thistle and the hay sheaf, Giuseppe "Det" Alippi)
published by Montura Editing.

Giuseppe  “Det” Alippi La stella del cardo e il covone di fienoMontura Editing

La stella del cardo e il covone di fieno, Giuseppe "Det" Alippi
(The star of the thistle and the hay sheaf, Giuseppe "Det" Alippi)

"Det" as shown in Luisa Rota Sperti's pictures and Carlo Caccia's words, with a foreword by Reinhold Messner. The original paintings are exposed.

With the presence of Luisa Rota Sperti, Carlo Caccia and Roberto Mantovani


"... e con gli anni č diventato una forma di yogi delle Alpi, un poeta con poche parole, un saggio come Milarepa, il guardiano del Sasso Cavallo. Lo rimarrŕ per sempre". (dall'introduzione di Reinhold Messner)

Marco "Butch" Anghileri interviews "Det". Video

Reprint of the Mappamondo calendario perpetuo dedicato ai piccoli della Terra (Globe perpetual calendar dedicated to the children of Earth) with a different typo edition. Calendar

Luisa Rota Sperti Mappa Mondo il calendario perpetuo

Saturday, November 19th 2011: Alpstation opening at Sarzana (SP)

Adam Ondra

Alpstation at Sarzana

Luisa and Daniele Lira conversate with Manolo.

Alpstation at Sarzana

Luisa with Daniele Lira and Fausto De Stefani (.... he has adopted some scarecrows)

On the November and December 2011 Skialper magazine: Viola e Ecomago photos by Daniele Lira.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Spaventa i passeri ? vuotoLuisa Rota Sperti - Spaventa i passeri ?

Viola - Ecomago

Saturday, December 3rd 2011 Alpstation opening in Cles (TN) with a KIDS new shop.

Alpstation Kids Cles

To the people at the opening, a gift was given: the Quaderno di Campo

Luisa Rota Sperti - Quaderno di campoMontura Editing

and an attending diploma

Luisa Rota Sperti - Quaderno di campo

Luisa's comment to the drawing she chose to do in this way:
"If we drop the colors, all children are equal".

Christmas 2011: nativity in Somana - Texts and Pictures

Luisa Rota Sperti

At the end, a circle closes: at the beginning, Men were the subject with Dalle cattedrali della terra ai sentieri del cielo (From Earth Cathedrals to the Sky Paths); then it has been completed (at this moment) the Women's cycle and the legends in the Dolomites Ai confini del cielo (At the Sky Boundaries) and, finally, the eyes of the artist pointed the Children.

The results: a second book has been published with Paola Favero Dentro la montagna Le Dolomiti tra leggenda e geologia, Stella Stellina has been published and enhanced, a Quaderno di Campo with a certificate (which is a painting also) has been made, on the go there is La Schola del Bonduhãc (with an elaboration both in drawing and writing); as witness of the evolution of the Scarecrows' game, to Sogni nel vento (Dreams in the wind) is upcoming. Last but not least, another cosy interactive book to read and draw is arriving this year, but it will be a little surprise.

The illustration work has temporarily halted the cycles, but ideas are still present and there will be time to...

On the February and March 2012 Skialper magazine: Le Creature nelle radure and Fatunno (Fate delle stagioni perdute) photos by Daniele Lira.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Spaventa i passeri ? vuotoLuisa Rota Sperti - Spaventa i passeri ?

Le Creature nelle radure - Fatunno (Fate delle stagioni perdute)

Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th May 2012 (17.00h) at the Parco dei Mestieri della Montagna for the 60th TrentoFilmFestival IL MISTERO DEI SUONI SCOMPARSI ("The mistery of the vanished sounds", illustrated by Luisa Rota Sperti) a meeting-show with Paola Favero, Primo Zancan and Nelso Salton.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Il mistero dei suoni scomparsi

Saturday 21 May 2012 (18.30h), at the Torre Viscontea, in Lecco's piazza XX Settembre, for the "Monti Sorgenti 2012" festival, inauguration of the exhibition Sasso Cavallo Ritratti di un parete. Disegni, dipinti e fotografie ("Sasso Cavallo: portraits of a mountain. Drawings, paintings and photos") by Luisa Rota Sperti and Alberto Locatelli.

Sasso Cavallo Ritratti di un parete. Disegni, dipinti e fotografie

From May 21 to June 2
Open: Monday to Friday 17.00 - 19.00 Saturday and Sunday 10.00 -12.00 15.00 -19.00
Monti Sorgenti (pdf 2,43 mb) Sasso Cavallo Ritratti di un parete. Disegni, dipinti e fotografie (pdf 388 kb)

Photo Alberto Locatelli

Photo: Alberto Locatelli

In May 2012 a new book is presented to the "Montagna Libri" inside the Trento Film Festival 2012:
Sass Cavall (a Monography about a small mountain)

Sass Cavall

Histories of the Sasso, alpine histories, climbing ways, drafts and paintings.
It contains Piccola leggenda di Serpedrago e Sasso Cavallo (Little legend of Serpedrago and Sasso Cavallo) (Sass Cavall)

Carte d'Arte by Ferruccio Ferrario
Foreword by Roberto Mantovani

May 2012
Ecomago at Melloblocco 2012 -


Photo: Marco M. Scolaris

Thursday 24 May 2012 (21.00h), presentation at the Alpstation in Bassano del Grappa of the book illustrated by Luisa Dentro la montagna Le Dolomiti tra leggenda e geologia ("Inside the mountain, the Dolomites between legend and geology") with the author Paola Favero, the photographer Manrico Dell’Agnola, the President of the CAI Bassano Gianni Frigo and the music band Al Tei, that will play the ancient legends.

At the Alpstation site, sixteen original works of Luisa Rota Sperti will remain in exibition.

Dentro la montagna Le Dolomiti tra leggenda e geologia

Sunday 9 September 2012, some of Luisa's scarecrows are at the first edition of "Gio’ca Piné", a Trekking of children and prams on the Piné plateau. (Pdf 3,85 Mb) - Some Pictures

Spaventa i passeri ? (Does it scare the crows ?)

Marmolada Luisa Rota Sperti

MARMOLADA - ETTORE CASTIGLIONI 2002 Matita su cartone Schoeller cm 72x51

Luisa partecipates with this work of her to the performance "Creativi per Lecco 2012", by showing it from October 13 to November 4, at the Torre Viscontea in Lecco, Piazza XX Settembre, 3 (Open: Tuesday to Friday: 15.00-19.00, Saturday and Sunday: 10.30-12.30/15.00-19.00, Monday closed).

Luisa Rota Sperti

A PERSONAL EXHIBITION: "Montagne: l'epica e l'incanto" nell'opera di Luisa Rota Sperti
("Mountains: epic and charm" in Luisa Rota Sperti's works).

From Saturday 10 November 2012 to Sunday 02 December 2012
A personal exhibition organized by:
C.A.I. Lecco section (Italian Alpine Club), Lecco local council and Simul (Sistema Museale Urbano Lecchese - the Lecco urban museum system).
with the partnership of:
Mandello del Lario local council, C.A.I. Grigne of Mandello del Lario, Les Cultures-Progetto Iride (Rongio), Bookstore MondoLibri Lecco and Foundation Ercole Carcano Mandello del Lario.

Areas of the exhibitions:

Lecco Torre Viscontea (Piazza XX Settembre)
Painting cycles - Illustrations - videos
Inauguration with Roberto Mantovani and Alberto Benini

Mandello del Lario CAI Grigne (Via Riva dell’Ospizio)
Sasso Cavallo: sketches and booklets with photos by Alberto Locatelli
Inauguration with Carlo Caccia: Alpine Conversations

Mandello del Lario Fondazione Carcano (Via Statale 7)
An itinerary in the legends, with paintings and installations
The photos of the"creatures" are Marina Gallandra's.
Inauguration with a fairtrade reception

Details and images of the exhibition

Christmas 2012: nativity in Somana - Texts and Pictures

Luisa Rota Sperti


Montagne360 Montagne360

Article (Italian) (pdf 654 KB)

From 2 to 22 March 2013.
The Italian Alpine Club - CAI Valmadrera (with the sponsorship of the Culture Council office and of the public library, for the 150 of the CAI foundation) presents:
… nei tempi … sui monti: volti, canti, racconti … ( the times... on the mountains: faces, songs, tales...)

The Exhibitions: Interior, exhibition hall:
Luisa Rota Sperti, the game of the illustration
Drawings, paintings, installations ... the books
Images from the books and from the “author's drafts”; installations
Guided visits for schools - Details

Luisa Rota Sperti

The CAI Valmadrera section holds a meeting (Saturday 6 April 2013 17.00h at Centro Culturale Fatebenefratelli) to remember alpinist Alberto Tegiacchi, dead on the Chaukamba II on August 23rd 1993. It will be possible to see Luisa's works from her cycle "Le Montagne Grandi".

Speakers: Marco Anghileri, Ivo Ferrari, Alessandro Gogna, Ivan Guerini, Elio Orlandi. Moderators: Alberto Benini and Carlo Caccia. With CNSASA e CAAI representatives. Detail

Alpinismo, è possibile tramandare una passione?

Saturday 11 May 2013 - Comune di Mandello del Lario dalle 15.30.

Recycle all also the awful: live making of "creative products" from dumpings, in piazza Leonardo da Vinci. Anita, Luisa Rota Sperti and Gruppo Eco Fashion Mandello
During H-drà a Mandello

NEL bosco, CON il bosco, DAL bosco (IN the wood, WITH the wood, FROM the wood)
Saturday 25 May 2013 - Piazzale della Funivia di Erna - Lecco 14.00h.
Exhibition of things made with natural elements by the artist and the children along the learning path of the Young Group C.A.I. Lecco. This walking will take around 45/60 minutes during the third edition of Monti Sorgenti.

Luisa Rota Sperti

Antonio Stoppani - "Il segreto del Bosco Vecchio" by Dino Buzzati in Luisa Rota Sperti's drawings

Saturday 08 June 2013 - Lecco - From 14.30h to 19.30h.

Stella stellina, eco-fable, 7 plates hand-drawn. Luisa Rota Sperti exhibits at the Confcommercio conference boardroom, inside palazzo Falk in Piazza Garibaldi.
During H-drà a Lecco

Messner Mountain Museum Firmian

MMM - Messner Mountain Museum Firmian - Presentation (pdf 2,11 mb)

Four works from the cycle Kailãs: Viaggiatori incantati e pellegrini (Kailãs: Enchanted Travellers and Pilgrims) have been chosen to be exposed at the Messner Mountain Museum Firmian, in Bozen. In one of the pathways in the Western Tower (giving some space to the key mountains: the "7 summits" and the Eight-Thousanders), have been also integrated the sacred mountains. Details

Wednsday 24 July 2013 - Valdidentro Forno di Premadio - 16.30h
Carlo Caccia's introduction of the exhibition "Montagne: l'epica e l'incanto", drawings by Luisa Rota Sperti.
This exhibition can be visited at the Forno di Premadio everyday from Wednsday 24 till Saturday 27 July, during the third edition of the "Festival della cultura di montagna - La Magnifica Terra - Bormio"

Festival La Magnifica Terra -  Bormio 2013

La Grande Patagonia - Luisa Rota Sperti


Saturday 06 July 2013 - Natural Oriented Park of Somadida - Auronzo di Cadore (BL) - 16.00h

Premiere of the "Wood library" and Luisa Rota Sperti's exhibitions: "Leggende dei Monti Pallidi" (Legends of the Pale Mounts) and "Il segreto del Bosco Vecchio" (The secret of the old wood )
During the opening of "Wood library summer 2013", Natural Oriented Park of Somadida. With the partnership of the Corpo Forestale dello Stato (State Forest Rangers) Biodiversity office in Vittorio Veneto (TV), Natural Oriented Park of Somadida - Auronzo di Cadore (BL).

All the related events (Pdf 175 KB) - Photo and paintings

Luisa Rota Sperti

I Geni (The Geniuses) - "Il segreto del Bosco Vecchio" by Dino Buzzati in Luisa Rota Sperti's drawings

1963 - 2013 VAJONT
In the 50th anniversary of this tragedy, Luisa offers a 2011 updated version (since the first edition of 2004/2005) of her homage to the victims: La Schola del Bonduhãc

Luisa Rota Sperti - La Schola del Bonduhãc

This work is proposed to an interested publisher for printing on paper.
It is possible to exhibit the original book paintings as in the past at:
- Montagne Incantate Bolzano 2004
- Club Alpino Italiano / Ottagono Spaziomontagna Milano 2008
- Hogazait festival Cimbro Altopiano di Asiago 2009

With Luisa Rota Sperti and the Psychiatric ward patients (Lecco)

Saturday 28 September 2013 - Thursday 10 October 2013, A. Manzoni hospital.
Exhibition of the art works made by the psychiatric ward patients.
Luisa Rota Sperti and the psychiatric ward patients show their paintings and works to celebrate the Mental Health World Day (10 October).

Luisa Rota Sperti

Works and more


October 2013, with the Comunità di via Gaggio onlus (Lecco)

Luisa Rota Sperti

Born more than once: Installation at the "casa sul pozzo" (the house on the well): Details

From 6 October 2013 till 20 November 2013
Luisa's work is at this exhibition, with her painting of the spiritual father of all alpinists.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Sulle tracce di Antonio Stoppani

Brochure (Pdf 4,32 Mb)

Luisa Rota Sperti

Antonio Stoppani

Place and opening hours:
Torre Viscontea - piazza XX Settembre 3 Lecco
Tuesday to Friday: 15.00 - 19.00 Saturday and Sunday: 10.30 - 12.30 / 15.00 - 19.00 closed on Mondays

Natale 2013: Il Presepe a Somana - Ninna nanna nella Capanna - Texts and Pictures

Luisa Rota Sperti

Bergamo's Palamonti, local CAI's (Italian Alpine Club) premises. From 29 March 2014 to 13 April 2014
This exhibition will stay open until April 20th. / Open : Monday to Friday 09-22 / Saturday 09-18

Drawings, booklets, books and movies. Introduction by Alberto Benini. ..... (Poster and details)

Luisa Rota Sperti - Mountains: epic and charm Luisa Rota Sperti - Mountains: epic and charm

PITTURA UNO XXX / 1984 - 2014
Galleria Momart in Lecco, Via Papa Giovanni XXIII - From 24 May 2014 to 06 June 2014
Inauguration Saturday 24 at 18.00h / Open: from 16.00h to 19.00h

..... Poster (Pdf, 1,93 MB)

Luisa Rota Sperti - Galleria Momart Lecco

H-dra' Water, practice and knowledge for a sustainable future
From 13 June 2014 to 15 June 2014 - In the squares of Lecco's centre
--> What is born from this Festival? / ..... (Poster and details)

Art and science festival H-drà. Water, practice and knowledge for a sustainable future

The "Sass Cavall - Giuseppe "Det" Alippi" works, a legend of the Grigne", remain at the Rifugio Soldanella.

Natural Oriented Park of Somadida. Summer activities restart.
--> Works in exhibition

On Friday 18 July 2014, during the Sport Specialist event at the Longoni Sport shop in Bevera di Sirtori (Lecco), expositon of 9 plates from the cycle Le Montagne grandi. Poster (pdf, 3,03 MB) - Images

Le Montagne Grandi

During the exhibition dedicated to Reinhold Messner 70th's celebrations, at the Castel Firmiano museum is visible the portrait "Uomo Montagna", a dream fusion of R.Messner with the Kailăs. This work was dedicated, when it was created, to the Alpinist's respect toward this sacred peak. Details

Luisa Rota Sperti

Il Guardiano del Sasso Cavallo
Saturday 22 November 2014 17.00 h - Sala Civica Don Carlo Gnocchi - Abbadia Lariana (Lecco)
Poster Pdf - Details

Luisa Rota Sperti

Somana, Nativity 2014.
"PACE E LAVORO" (PEACE AND WORK) the bark Crib at the Torchio in Somana

pace e lavoro

--> Details

Christmas 2014 - La cucina ai tempi del camino (There was a fireplace in the kitchen) - Details

La cucina ai tempi del camino

PITTURA UNO 1984 - 2015
15 February 2015 - 29 March 2015 - Torre Viscontea, Piazza XX Settembre 3, Lecco

Works presented:
- Le Tentazioni di St Antonio Eremita (1990) Triptych - Period work.
- Dee (cm 42x93) - Cho Oyu - (2014) - Recent work from the cycle Le Montagne grandi (The Great Mountains)

Luisa Rota Sperti

-> Details and more images

Exhibition "Piccole Storie di Pietra"
From 18 April 2015 to 3 May 2015 at the Sala del Torchio in Somana, Mandello Lario

Luisa exhibits "La leggenda della regina dei cuori di pietra" cm 100x100

-> Details and more images

April 2015

The expression lab activity, in the Psychiatric ward of Lecco's hospital, had been suspended, forever

Luisa Rota Sperti

-> Details and more images

June 2015 - Lecco
"Art no frost, frigoriferi d'autore" (Frigo Smeg Painting, Festival di H-drà) Lecco

Luisa has drawn upon the Smeg fridge - Nanda-Devi - with temples, mountains, prays and 108 faces of Nepali women, men and children , presented in the Sala Ticozzi (Lecco) and exhibited in Galleria Roma, Via Roma 42 (Lecco). Charity project “Cargo for Nepal”

Luisa Rota Sperti

-> Details and more images

July: Exhibition and events during summer 2015

Alpine Exhibition at the "Biblioteca del bosco" in Somadida's Biogenetic Oriented Park.

Luisa Rota Sperti

-> Details and more images

From 28 August 2015 to 6 September 2015

"Artiste tra noi" Art cues about food -  Exhibit room at the Torchio di Somana, Mandello Lario Lecco

Luisa Rota Sperti

-> Details and more images

November 2015 - Homage to Chagall
Marc and Bella ... the stroll

Luisa Rota Sperti

-> Details and more images

From 20 November 2015 to 20 January 2016
SOGNI NEL VENTO by Luisa Rota Sperti at the Libreria Volante in via Bovara, Lecco.
Drawings, books and the Creatures

Luisa Rota Sperti

-> Details and more images

Somana, Nativity 2015.
8 December 2015 - 6 January 2016

"PEACE AND WORK" the bark Crib at the Torchio in Somana, Mandello Lario

Luisa Rota Sperti

-> Details and more images

Christmas 2015 - La cucina ai tempi del camino (There was a fireplace in the kitchen)
The museum area grows by remaining interactive. Luisa is very proud of this

La cucina ai tempi del camino


March 2016 - Diamir la montagna delle fate
by Paola Favero - drawings by Luisa Rota Sperti - foreword by Kurt Diemberger

Luisa Rota Sperti


Luisa Rota Sperti

"Conversations about Paola Favero's book" on Saturday 30 April 2016, 18:00h, with Luisa Rota Sperti and Carlo Caccia at the"La Libreria Volante" in via Bovara 30 (Lecco)

Luisa Rota Sperti


L'anima delle Montagne (The soul of the Mountains) From May 8th to September 2016, all the summer through, the creatures of the Cimbrian legends by Luisa Rota Sperti are exhibited at the natural park "Foresta del Cansiglio", with some graphic works about the legends of the Dolomites.

Luisa Rota Sperti


"Bonacina tra storia e leggenda", la mostra dei bimbi.
("Bonacina between history and legend", a children's exhibition)
From May 20th to June 10th 2016 at the Lecco Civic Library.

Luisa Rota Sperti

In this photo, Luisa with her nephew Leila, who took part, with her friends, to the project.


From June 25th to July 17th at the Rifugio Campogrosso in Recoaro Terme, exhibition with the original drawings of Diamir la Montagna delle fate (Diamir The Fairies' Mountain).

Luisa Rota Sperti


From June 26th to August 31st 2016, exhibition Il Regno dei Fanes (The Fanes' kingdom) at the Alpine shelter Città di Fiume in Val Fiorentina. Paintings, decorative panels and installations by Luisa.
On June 26th, Luisa opens Cammina(r)te al Monte Pelmo - Il Regno dei Fanes at the Alpine Shelter Città di Fiume in Val Fiorentina.
Luisa Rota Sperti


From August 26th to September 4th 2016, exhibition Artisti tra noi - Donna (Artists between us - Woman). Exhibition hall "Il Torchio", Somana hamlet of Mandello del Lario

Luisa Rota Sperti


Exhibition "Dentro la montagna tra mito e realtà" (Inside the mountain between myth and reality).
From September 24th to October 16th 2016 at Palazzo Agostinelli in Bassano del Grappa. For the first time Luisa presents the whole collecton of her "Le Montagne grandi" (the Great Mountains) with a nice catalogue, just printed for this occasion.

Luisa Rota Sperti


Montagne: l’epica e l’incanto (Mountains: epic and charm)
On October 21st 2016 at the Foundation "Noi Genitori" in via XXIV Maggio 4/e Erba (Co)

Luisa Rota Sperti


DonNaArte, collective exhibition from November 13rd December 4th 2016, Torre Viscontea in Lecco.

Luisa Rota Sperti


Somana, Nativity 2016.
11 December 2016 - 8 January 2017

The bark Crib at the Torchio in Somana, Mandello Lario

Luisa Rota Sperti

Details and more images

"Viola" Eco-tale on the Grigne mountains

Luisa Rota Sperti

Details and more images

"Le Montagne Grandi" (The Great Mountains) Preparation of the catalogue

Luisa Rota Sperti

Details and more images

Collaboration for the making of the Calendario Artistico 2017 (Artistic Calendar 2017)

Luisa Rota Sperti


Primary School Bonacina "Once upon a time", during "Leggermente".

Saturday 11 March 2017 at the Biblioteca Civica Pozzoli in Lecco.

Luisa Rota Sperti


The Great Det - "The conquest of Cerro Campana"

Thursday 30 March 2017 at the Palazzo delle Paure in Lecco, 21,00h.

Luisa Rota Sperti


Collective exhibition Pittura UNO - ArteMigrante - Nanda Devi

01 April 2017 - 30 April 2017 - ArteMigrante Nanda Devi - Torre Viscontea, Lecco
Luisa Rota Sperti partecipates at the Collective exhibition "ArteMigrante" by group Pittura UNO with
her 12 Nanda Devi works in a personal hall at Torre Viscontea ground floor.

Luisa Rota Sperti


Luisa Rota Sperti

Monti Sorgenti - Presentation of Cammina(r)te nelle Grigne
Thursday, May 25th, 18.00h, at the Palazzo delle Paure in Lecco

Luisa Rota Sperti

Luisa with "Det", some refuge people and Mario Fiorentini from - Details

Inauguration of the "Festival delle Alpi e delle Montagne italiane"

1/2 July 2017 Piani Resinelli tourist office.

Twinning Cammina(r)te Dolomiti-Grigne 2017.
Alps and Italian mountains festival - Twinning Cammina(r)te in the Grigne - Cammina(r)te at Mount Pelmo with Luisa's works and installations.

Luisa Rota Sperti


Cammina(r)te nelle Grigne - Description, painting transportation, the books and the refuges.

An important project for 2017, this "Camminarte nelle Grigne" is focused on the figure of Giuseppe "Det" Alippi: 5 shelters 5 paintings.

Luisa Rota Sperti


Twinning Cammina(r)te in the Grigne - Cammina(r)te at Mount Pelmo

Twinned with the Cammina(r)te in the Dolomites, the Cammina(r)te in the Grigne was born in 2017, dedicated to the great Alpinist Giuseppe "Det" Alippi, in 5 refuges. In the Dolomites, Luisa, with the precious help of the refuge people, renewed the Cammina(r)te at Mount Pelmo in 11 refuges, with a change in the Anello Zoldano.
Luisa Rota Sperti


Exhibition "Le Montagne grandi" (The Great Mountains) - Museo nelle Nuvole sul Monte Rite

From 1 June to 30 September 2017 - Messner Mountain Museum Dolomites.

Luisa Rota Sperti


Presentation of the "creatures" "Femmine Arcobaleno" (Rainbow females) and "Omaggio a Chagall" (Homage to Chagall)

Saturday 29 July 2017 18,00h.
Permanent installation "Sogni nel Vento" (Dreams in the wind) at Sojo Park Theatre in Covolo di Lusiana.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Spaventa i passeri ?


Somana, Nativity 2017
08 December 2017 - 06 January 2018

The bark Crib "DIVINE CHILD" in the Zucchi family's field at Somana, Mandello del Lario.

Luisa Rota Sperti

Details and more images