Luisa Rota Sperti


Camminarte nelle Grigne

Home > Camminarte nelle Grigne

It has been my intention for years to make "Camminarte nelle Grigne", similar (but not the same) to the "Camminarte" in Val Fiorentina, celebrated in its eleventh year, summer 2016, at the Rifugio Città di Fiume.
An important project for 2017, this "Camminarte nelle Grigne" is focused on the figure of Giuseppe "Det" Alippi: 5 shelters 5 paintings.

Luisa Rota Sperti

"Cammina(r)te nelle Grigne"

1 Rifugio Rosalba (CAI Milano) - Il Contadino (The Farmer)
2 Rifugio Elisa (CAI Grigne Mandello Lario) - Il Guardiano del Sasso Cavallo (The Custodian of Sasso Cavallo)
3 Rifugio Bietti Buzzi (CAI Grigne Mandello) - Il Mago delle grandi pareti (The Wizard of the Great Walls)
4 Rifugio Bogani (CAI Monza) - La Guida (The Guide)
5 Rifugio Brioschi (CAI Milano) - Il Custode dei sogni (The Guardian of the Dreams)

1 Rifugio Rosalba (CAI Milano) - Il Contadino (The Farmer)

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

2 Rifugio Elisa (CAI Grigne Mandello Lario) - Il Guardiano del Sasso Cavallo (The Custodian of Sasso Cavallo)

Transport and delivery of the work "Il Guardiano del Sasso Cavallo" (The Custodian of Sasso Cavallo) at Rifugio Elisa with Luisa, Attila, Luca (president of CAI Mandello), Roberto "Bala" (the chamois of the Grigne) and Maurino, the "nice" man of the refuge.

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota SpertilLuisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Itineraries: the 90th of Rifugio Elisa with an interview to Luisa.
Excursion to Rifugio Elisa, under the legendary Sasso Cavallo, starting from Valsassina, through Val Campione. In September 2017, this refuge, belonging to CAI Grigna Mandello del Lario, became 90 years old.

3 Rifugio Bietti Buzzi (CAI Grigne Mandello) - Il Mago delle grandi pareti (The Wizard of the Great Walls)

Luisa thanks Marco and the refuge Bietti-Buzzi for the wonderful route photo shoot of her work "Il Mago delle grandi pareti" (The Wizard of the Great Walls)

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa visiting the Rifugio Bietti Buzzi during Cammina(r)te in the Grigne

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

4 Rifugio Bogani (CAI Monza) - La Guida (The Guide)

the path of Luisa's work La Guida (The Guide) towards the refuge Bogani. Luisa thanks the Bogani for this excellent photo shoot.

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa with Mariangela of the Bogani, on the North side of Grignone.

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

IL CAMMINA(R)TE NELLE GRIGNE Cammina(r)te in the Grigne
It is a little height art gallery in five stages.
CAMMINA(R)TE is a path of drawings telling a legendary fairy tale.
CAMMINA(R)TE is an homage to the Grigne, a magic world of walls and peaks and to a very special alpinist: Giuseppe “Det” Alippi, farmer and alpine guide, a "real highlander" (R. Messner).
CAMMINA(R)TE is a walk from refuge to refuge, where the images become stop points on the paths.
CAMMINA(R)TE is a also a "sketched-game", encouraging a new tale by writing and painting its own legend.

Text from: Cai Grigne

Available since July 1st, all the material about CAMMINA(R)TE, in partnership with AlpStation Brianza, the card to fill in with all the stamps of the refuges to get a little present.

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

The books

The book Sass Cavall (Monografia di una piccola montagna) (Sass Cavall a Monography about a small mountain) has been divided in two volumes:

1° volume: Serpedrago e Sass Cavall
2° volume: Sasso Cavallo, un'altra faccia delle Grigne

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

"SERPEDRAGO e SASS CAVALL", printed in a limited number of copies, is available at the 5 refuges in the Grigne and it is sold at the Libreria Volante in Lecco and at the Piani Resinelli tourist office for Euro 20,00.

To be sold in the same places: "Coloriamo il Det" (Let's paint Det), in a waterproof bag with color pencils and a sharpener.
This booklet is part of Cammina(r)te of the Grigne and contains Luisa's sketches to be painted and written drafts (with an English translation by Peter David Bradley), to reinvent for Euro 15,00

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Luisa Rota Spertil

Piccola leggenda di Serpedrago e Sasso Cavallo (Little legend of Serpedrago and Sasso Cavallo):

plates TALE LEGEND medium and big format
Graphic and painted sketches approaching the Sasso Cavallo
1 notebook for paths (notes drawn on mountains and in the valleys)

The introduction of this work has been written for Luisa by Reinhold Messner at the Museo nelle Nuvole
This work contains also texts of: Marco Anghileri, Alberto Benini, Giancarlo Mauri, Silvia Metzeltin and Carlo Caccia.

Luisa Rota Sperti