Sass Cavall - Giuseppe "Det" Alippi storia e leggenda
Home > Sass Cavall - Giuseppe "Det" Alippi between history and legend.
The cycle Piccola leggenda di Serpedrago e Sasso Cavallo (Little legend of Serpedrago and Sasso Cavallo) has had an interesting evolution in a five years span. Betwixt the graphic works, some publications have arisen (some born in a parallel way) or (as Luisa calls them) "author's drafts". So it was born Carte d'arte by Ferruccio Ferrario.
At the beginning, divided into three parts:
1- Sass Cavall (a Monography about a small mountain)
Histories of the Sasso, alpine histories, climbing ways, drafts and paintings.
It contains
Piccola leggenda di Serpedrago e Sasso Cavallo (Little legend of Serpedrago and Sasso Cavallo) (Sass Cavall)
2- La stella del cardo e il covone di fieno (The star of the thistle and the hay sheaf), Giuseppe "Det" Alippi
A painted and told (in an interview) bio of Giuseppe "Det" Alippi with graphic and photographic portraits. Preface by Reihnold Messner.
3- "Libretto per sentieri" (Notebook through paths), from which all the work is born.
On its way, a pamphlet of the notebook through paths (drawn notes on mounts and valleys).
libretto per sentieri (notebook for paths) ... notes drawn on mountains and in the valleys.
In this work, portraits of Men and Mountains.
Sass Cavall - Giuseppe "Det" Alippi between history and legend:
The introduction of this work has been written for Luisa by Reinhold Messner at the "Museo nelle Nuvole".
This work contains also texts (some originally written, some with the authors' permission) of: Marco Anghileri, Alberto Benini, Giancarlo Mauri, Carlo Caccia ( and Silvia Metzeltin.