Luisa Rota Sperti - Il gioco di illustrare - (The game of the illustration)


Il gioco dI illustrare (The game of the illustration)

Home > Il gioco di illustrare (The game of the illustration)

IL GIOCO DI ILLUSTRARE (The game of the illustration) - Exhibition package available n°4

With the paintings, the books, the booklets and the author's drafts
Small plates chosen with regard to the available space

This exhibition includes:

- 14 plates Il mistero dei suoni scomparsi
(The mistery of the vanished sounds)
- 16 plates Dentro la Montagna - Le Dolomiti tra leggenda e geologia
(Inside the mountain - Dolomites between legend and geology)
- 11 mountains and 1 portrait Giuseppe "Det" Alippi, La stella del cardo e il covone di fieno
(Giuseppe "Det" Alippi, The star of the thistle and the hay sheaf)
- 15 plates Quaderno di Campo
- 7 plates Stella Stellina + original Mala Terra map
- 5 plates Erodiade + installation (bookrest, book, lamp)
- 7 plates + scultures La Schola del Bonduhãc
- 1 notebook and installations Sogni nel vento (Dreams in the wind) - big reproductions and booklets.
- 2 plates + drawings on plexiglass (sketches) Sass Cavall
- A sketch of a booklet on plexiglass Pino, la morte e il Pelmo
- 10 plates + sculptures about Il Segreto del Bosco Vecchio by Dino Buzzati
- Little notebooks - Pocket-books - Diaries ... in the displays

Also available:
- Author's puppets exhibition
- Free choice laboratory

Black and colour pencil on paper and cardboard.
The illustrations of the books and of the author's drafts (Bozze d'Autore).
Educational exhibition with a dedicated path for schools.

Plates from Il mistero dei suoni scomparsi (The mistery of the vanished sounds)
14 plates
book by Paola Favero, Cierre Edizioni

It is a contemporary tale, quick to find the voices of Nature, now always more chocked by noises.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Il mistero dei suoni scomparsi

Luisa Rota Sperti - Il mistero dei suoni scomparsi

Plates from Dentro la Montagna - Le Dolomiti tra leggenda e geologia
(Inside the mountain - Dolomites between legend and geology)
16 plates
book by Paola Favero, Cierre Edizioni
It's a search that wishes to bring the legends back to their Dolomites roots, and drives to visit them.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Dentro la Montagna - Paola Favero

Luisa Rota Sperti - Dentro la Montagna - Paola Favero

Plates from Giuseppe "Det" Alippi, La stella del cardo e il covone di fieno
(Giuseppe "Det" Alippi, The star of the thistle and the hay sheaf)
11 mountains and 1 portrait
a book by Luisa Rota Sperti with an interview by Carlo Caccia - Montura Editing

It is a biography of a great alpinist, but above all of a highlander, Giuseppe "Det" Alippi, restored through words, drawings, photos.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Giuseppe "Det" Alippi, La stella del cardo e il covone di fieno

Luisa Rota Sperti - Giuseppe "Det" Alippi, La stella del cardo e il covone di fieno

Plates from Quaderno di Campo
15 plates
a book with Paola Favero for Montura Editing and the Corpo Forestale dello Stato (State Forest Rangers)

The "Quaderno di campo" is a companion to trace on one's own discoveries in the relation with nature, with the experience of explorers, naturalists, climbers.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Quaderno di campo

Luisa Rota Sperti - Quaderno di campo

Plates from Stella Stellina
7 plates + original Mala Terra map
Fairy Tale, accordion-shaped with snake and ladders map
Eco-fable drawn and told for Carte d'Arte by Ferruccio Ferrario.
(Bozze d'Autore) 50 copies numbered and signed.
It is an "eco fairy tale" projected in a world now covered by rubbish, a walk of hope towards a new way di to stay in the nature.

Luisa Rota Sperti - Stella StellinaLuisa Rota Sperti - Stella Stellina

Luisa Rota Sperti - Stella Stellina

Plates from Erodiade
5 plates + installations (bookrest book lamp)
A fairy tale for adults
Carte d'Arte by Ferruccio Ferrario.
(Bozze d'Autore) Author's drafts, copies numbered and signed in progression (max 50 copies)

Luisa Rota Sperti Erodiade Luisa Rota Sperti Erodiade

Plates from La Schola del Bonduhãc
7 plates + sculptures

Luisa Rota Sperti - La Schola del Bonduhãc

Luisa Rota Sperti - La Schola del Bonduhãc

Luisa Rota Sperti - La Schola del Bonduhãc

Works from Sogni nel vento (Dreams in the wind)
1 calepino and installations - Big plates by Marina Gallandra and booklets in showcase.

As an evolution of the scarecrows game, Dreams in the wind is born.

Sogni nel vento Sogni nel vento

Luisa Rota Sperti - Spaventa i passeri ?

Works from Sass Cavall
1 libretto per sentieri (Notebook through paths) - 2 plates + bozzetti (sketches) on plexiglass

Luisa Rota Sperti - Libretto per sentieri

Luisa Rota Sperti - Sass Caval

Works from Pino, la morte e il Pelmo
Draft of a booklet on plexiglass

Luisa Rota Sperti - Pino, la morte e il Pelmo

Luisa Rota Sperti - Mamma Pipistrello

Works from Il Segreto del Bosco Vecchio by Dino Buzzati
10 plates + sculptures

Luisa Rota Sperti - Il Segreto del Bosco Vecchio

Luisa Rota Sperti - Il Segreto del Bosco Vecchio Luisa Rota Sperti - Il Segreto del Bosco Vecchio

Little notebooks - Pocket-books - Diaries ... in the displays

Luisa Rota Sperti - libretti, diari, calepini

Available Author's Puppets Exhibition
"The adventures of Bella Popetta"

These are the names of the puppets:
Bella Popetta - Mamma Pierina - Papà Luigi - Fratello Carletto - Mamocca con ochetta - Merlino il gatto - La Spaventapasseri Felicetta (a little witch) - Un anziano Fiore ben sveglio a tutte le ore - La signora Luna e una stella d'argento - Farfallina e uccellini

Luisa Rota Sperti

Luisa Rota SpertiLuisa Rota Sperti

Luisa Rota Sperti

The animation (a show with puppets) is done by puppet masters, with additional costs.

Free choice Laboratories

--> "Does it scare the crows ?" Recycle everything, the bad also
--> "Camminando, disegnando". ("Walking, drawing") The booklets game

This show is especially good for children, if organized right to the little characters:
- Pino e Marietta from Pino, la morte e il Pelmo
- Stella from Stella Stellina
- Mina (Giacomina) from Vajont
- Maria e Francesco from Il Mistero dei Suoni Scomparsi
- I bambini di tutti i colori (All-colour children) from Quaderno di Campo
- Serinella from Serenia e Serinella
- Benvenuto from Il Segreto del Bosco Vecchio by Dino Buzzati

The story is based upon the respect of the environement.