Luisa Rota Sperti - Available Exhibition Packages


Available Exhibition Packages

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Luisa Rota Sperti - Exhibition packages available


Mountains: epic and charm The Great Mountains Dolo/mytical Walk
"Mountains: epic and charm"
"The Great Mountains"
"Dolo/mytical Walk"
The game of the illustration Casimiro Ferrari's Patagonia Sass Cavall - Giuseppe Det Alippi
The game of the illustration Casimiro Ferrari's Patagonia
SassCavall - Giuseppe"Det"Alippi
At the Sky Boundaries, legends of the Dolomites The Fanes' kingdom My Land Tibet
Legends of the Dolomites The Fanes' kingdom My Land Tibet
--> Exhibition Package n°1
Great anthological exhibition: "Montagne: l'Epica e l'Incanto" (Mountains: epic and charm)

--> Exhibition Package n°2
"Montagne Grandi" (The Great Mountains) From the Alps to the Hymalaian giants

--> Exhibition Package n°3
"Dolo/mitico Cammino" (Dolo/mytical Walk) From the Alpinists' peaks to the valleys of the legends

--> Exhibition Package n°4
Il Gioco di illustrare (The game of the illustration)
With the paintings, the books, the booklets and the author's drafts

--> Exhibition Package n°5
La Patagonia di Casimiro Ferrari (Casimiro Ferrari's Patagonia)

--> Exhibition Package n°6
Sass Cavall - Giuseppe "Det" Alippi
An extraordinary wall, an alpinist out of time ... a legend of the Grigne

---> Exhibition Package n°7
Ai Confini del cielo - Leggende nelle Dolomiti (At the Sky Boundaries, legends of the Dolomites)
Witches, sorceresses, faires and princesses ... sheperd lassies and she-warriors. A femenine track

--> Exhibition Package n°8
Piccola Mostra Il Regno dei Fanes (Little exhibition The Fanes' kingdom)
Drawings, scarecrows... puppets... made just for children

---> Exhibition Package n°9
My Land Tibet with movies and drawn catalogues


Does it scare the crows? Walking... drawing
"Does it scare the crows?" "Walking... drawing"

-->"Spaventa i passeri ?" (Does it scare the crows ?) Recycle everything, the bad also

The necessary things for this creations come all from recycling of clothes, objects like clothes-hangers and baskets. The bamboo reeds should be found in the place of the exhibit. The laboratory may consist in one session inside a public event. Voluntaries are well accepted.

--->"Camminando ... disegnando" (Walking... drawing) The booklets game

Hike laboratory. It may be developed in 3 sessions.
The first "in place". A meeting with the author that "illustrates" the creation of one of her own fairy books.
The second "walking". In the woods, with a booklet for each participant on which "sketch figures": mountains, leaves, insects or elves...
The third "in place". Everyone develops "their" fairy tale..

Please buy the booklets in the Fair Trade shops, but any paper or beloved card will do. Colour pencils and pencil-sharpeners: like the "multicolor" ones. Felt tip pens not recomended. Cost is limited to the material bought by the promoters or by the participants. For this laboratory: 50€ net each session.

The laboratories places may be enriched by installations (scarecrows, photos and painted boards) brought by the laboratory maker. Some peculiar puppet or theatre works are to be discussed with "Frasi lunari" ( for the cost.


- "Tre Cavalli e un pezzo di luna" by Ferruccio Ferrario and Ruggero Meles.
Based upon an Alberto Benini's idea. Different duration versions

- "My Land Tibet" by Ferruccio Ferrario and Sabrina Bonaiti
based on a Tona Sironi Dienberger's text

- "Un due tre lo spaventapasseri fatto da me" by Alessia Bonacina and Pino Ponzini
With Iris Project by Les Cultures, Lecco

- "Suggestioni" by Irene Pampanin

- "Lo spazio nello sguardo" by Lien Nollet

- Il Regno dei Fanes

On request:
- Le Regn de Fanes by S. Rottonara R. Verra H.P. Karbon
- I miracoli di Valmorel by Roberto Bistrot
- La via del "Det" by Paola Nessi

-->Some extracts are visible at: Video

Luisa illustrated the books:
- Dentro la Montagna - Le Dolomiti tra leggenda e geologia
(Inside the mountain - Dolomites between legend and geology)
- Il Mistero dei suoni scomparsi (The mistery of the vanished sounds)
by Paola Favero, still collaborating with.

The two works of this alpinist-ranger- writer are also shows and music created by Paola, that may be contacted for the costs. (

Luisa collaborated in shows and laboratories with Frasi Lunari by Gigi Maniglia.
Theatre works and animation available(

Both (Paola e Gigi) offer "meditations" upon ecology.


This proposal is for local tourist offices, councils, alpine clubs, museums, bookshops, small art galleries (not necessarily in the mountains) that still believe in the fantasy strenght outside every schemes, that can see beyond the commercial aspect of art.

Beyond the great "anthological" and the "alpine ones", there are small theme exhibitions that join the dreaming lightness of the pencils with the reality of peasant's objects.

The path must have the ability to intrigue adults and children, to guide them to the discovery of the most secret dimension and most evident of the mountain and of the human spirit, always searching for "higher".
The artist in person will use at their best the exhibition spaces, making an always different path that may be incresased by "installations" that bring from the road to the exhibition, defeating the distance between outside and inside. An original path always new, tuned, always, towards the peculiar needs to evalue both the exhibitionarea and its surroundings.

The proposed exhibitions (being the single works parts of very extended "cycles") are adaptable to the offered places. Having privileged museums exhibitions throughout these years, Luisa likes the sharing of the place with "manufacts" that still live there. The spaces must be equipped with to put on the wall glass framed paintings, with some little exception. (package 8).

Refound fuel and motorway expenses for the distance (or train ticket refound)

Generally by the author, with a welcomed help in case of complex structures.

Food and lodge (sober ones). Important: the artist does not drive so a walking distance between lodging and the exhibition is good.


Being the base will connected to recycle and different development models (also children mental development), the necessary materials are without cost.

Easels (if necessary) to be found at the exhibition's place.
Installation support
Scarecrows: Tree bases with a central hole to be found at exhibition's place
Patagonian profiles: Still with easels
Displays: To be found at the exhibition's place
In case of movie or video projections (on small or wide screen) adequate screens and supports must be found at the exhibition's place.

All payments must be done as occasional work witholding tax.

In any exhibition it is not possible to buy the works. If you are interested, please refer to the art gallery Galleria Marelia di Bergamo, authorized to sell Luisa Rota Sperti's works.

1 - "Mountains: epic and charm"

2 - "The Great Mountains"

3 - "Dolo/mytical Walk"

4 - The game of the illustration

5 - Casimiro Ferrari's Patagonia

6 - Sass Cavall - Giuseppe "Det" Alippi

7 - At the Sky Boundaries, legends of the Dolomites

8 - Little exhibition The Fanes' kingdom

9 - My Land Tibet